A Re-Find Health Event

In what will be Chris Kresser's first visit to Sweden, he will be in Stockholm for a three-hour discussion and Q&A session on July 14 and then a full day seminar for clinicians and healthcare practitioners on July 15.

Jul. 14 to 15, 2017 Stockholm, Sweden

As you know, it’s more important than ever, to stand out and provide your patients the results they seek. The answer is precision medicine based on genomics.

Jul. 11, 2017 Online

As you know, it’s more important than ever, to stand out and provide your patients the results they seek. The answer is precision medicine based on genomics.

Jul. 11, 2017 Online

Submitted By: Re-Find Health

The RCGP Severn Faculty would like to warmly invite you to attend a one-day conference aimed at exploring several aspects of lifestyle medicine. This includes physical activity and how to get patients more active, healthy food

Jul. 10, 2017 Bristol, UK

A Re-Find Health Event

Chris Kresser is returning to London for two days; First for a discussion and Q&A session on 8 July and then a full day seminar for clinicians and healthcare practitioners on 9 July.

Jul. 08 to 09, 2017 London, UK Up to 5 CPD Hours

Submitted By: Re-Find Health

After spending many years as a research scientist investigating the cellular mechanisms through which cancer develops, I became fascinated with the potential of healing naturopathic diets after witnessing the extraordinary difference...

Jul. 05, 2017 London, UK

Join the superstars of the functional nutrition community for the NTA Live series, held right here on Facebook. If you’ve always wished you could chat to your favorite guiding light, here’s your big chance!

Jul. 05, 2017 Online

Practitioners and patients alike are hungry for alternatives to the conventional medication-heavy model of mental health treatment. Integrative medicine offers a new paradigm for assessing...

Jul. 03, 2017 London, UK

The International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine unites annually Natural Medicine Experts and Organizations from 55 countries. The goal is to present each year 3 days of powerful talks...

Jun. 30 to Jul. 02, 2017 London, UK

Practitioners and patients alike are hungry for alternatives to the conventional medication-heavy model of mental health treatment. Integrative medicine offers a new paradigm for assessing...

Jul. 01, 2017 Guernsey, UK

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