Submitted By: Re-Find Health
Project ALS identifies and funds the most promising scientific research that will lead to the first effective treatments and, ultimately, a cure for ALS.
Oct. 11, 2017 New York, NY
Dr. Stickler & Dr. Hamilton co-founded the Apeiron Academy to introduce a new style of education and learning to the world of precision wellness. The Academy is a culmination of a long held vision that nothing can be fully known without first having been fully experienced.
Oct. 07 to 08, 2017 Sarasota, FL
Submitted By: Akil Palanisamy
One of the biggest health challenges today is that we have forgotten how to nourish ourselves. Many of us are unsure how to give our body what it needs for vitality, disconnected from the joy of preparing meals, and so rushed that we barely taste the flavors of our food.
Oct. 06 to 08, 2017 Scotts Valley, CA
Submitted By: Erynn Kay
Just a reminder of our Friday's Low Carb Paleo Support Group that meets on the first and third Fridays of each month in our office lobby! We discuss tips and tricks to remaining low carb, new recipes, and the science behind low...
Oct. 06, 2017 Littleton, CO
Submitted By: Re-Find Health
Find out how to reduce toxins in your life, home and body, and understand how to support your body’s immune system in an ever increasing toxic world.
Sep. 30 to Oct. 01, 2017 San Francisco, California
Submitted By: Diana Rodgers
The Grassfed Exchange Conference is a gathering of regenerative ranchers, dairymen, and sustainable food supporters from across the world who come together to network and exchange ideas. We desire to help producers and consumers grow in the knowledge of the grassfed industry.
Sep. 27 to 29, 2017 Albany, NY
Join Dr. Griffin MD and Mihaela Telecan, DVM, RD for a live Facebook video discussion about "FAT BURNING". The byproduct of fat burning is ketones.
Sep. 27, 2017 Melbourne, FL
According to the American Academy of Periodontology, it is estimated that 75% of US adults have some degree of periodontal disease, 50% of those over 30 have it, and as much as 50% of it is undiagnosed...
Sep. 18 to 25, 2017 Online
Submitted By: Akil Palanisamy
Eliminate brain fog and get sharper, more energetic thinking PLUS reduce risk of disease. Learn to avoid common mistakes that cause a sluggish brain so you can feel like your younger self again!
Sep. 16 to 24, 2017 Online
Submitted By: BANT
This second event for the Scotland Regional Branch explores the topic of pain management from a functional perspective. The event features Carolyn Dean MD, ND, author of ‘The Magnesium Miracle’...
Sep. 23, 2017 Edinburgh, UK