Submitted By: Re-Find Health

THIS TALK COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE! You do NOT want to miss this event! Prescribed medications are estimated to be the third biggest killer, after heart disease and cancer. Bad Pharma sees millions taking drugs they don’t need – destroying their lives!

Apr. 12, 2018 Brussels, BE

This annual conference brings together leading play researchers, park and recreation professionals, educators, health scientists, architects, landscape architects, designers, planners, business and community leaders, psychologists, physicians and parents from across the country.

Apr. 08 to 11, 2018 Clemson, SC

This year’s exciting EHS Conference will focus on effective methods and interventions for reducing toxic load & body burden and new technologies addressing toxicant exposures in correlation to chronic disease epidemics.

Apr. 06 to 08, 2018 Scottsdale, AZ

Join us for a 40 Days of Gratitude Challenge! It's often easy to get so busy we forget to be grateful! This challenge is all about being intentional about being grateful...

Feb. 14 to Mar. 29, 2018 Online

The 5 session class includes a class binder with new material added each week, all instruction, weekly email support and the companion RESTART Cookbook!

Feb. 28 to Mar. 28, 2018 Tucson, AZ

Learn how Alzheimer's Disease has been reversed, as described in The End of Alzheimer's by Dr. Dale Bresden...

Mar. 27, 2018 Medford, OR

Level 1 is the two-day intensive introductory course for fitness professionals who want to become Certified Primal Play™ Movement Coaches or for fitness enthusiasts who want to take their fitness to the next level.

Mar. 24 to 25, 2018 London, UK

The conference focused on The Spine, an anatomical area that frequently provokes apprehension, controversy and a diversity of opinions on how problems with it should be managed...

Mar. 22, 2018 Doncaster, UK

Learn how to shop, store, and prepare your fruits and vegetables to maximize their nutrient density. Our modern fruits and vegetables have dramatically lower quantities of the necessary antioxidants and phytochemicals to protect us against disease...

Mar. 22, 2018 Oakland, CA

With the laws for medical marijuana rapidly changing around the world, it's hard to keep up with the latest research and policies. With more and more evidence supporting the positive effects of cannabis for people with chronic illnesses...

Mar. 21, 2018 London, UK

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