Submitted By: Re-Find Health

For far too long, cancer patients have been caught in the crossfire between conventional cancer care and other approaches. The crucial question the person with cancer has concerning any approach is ‘could this help me?

Nov. 25, 2017 London, UK

Submitted By: Re-Find Health

Food Matters Live is the UK's only cross-sector event bringing together the food and drink industry, retailers, foodservice providers, government and those working in nutrition, to enable collaboration and innovation to support a sustainable food...

Nov. 21 to 23, 2017 London, UK

Submitted By: Re-Find Health

The Low Carb Universe is the first international, 100 % low carb event to be held in Europe. Highlight 14th to 19th of November 2017 in your agenda! We want to gather as many of the knowledgeable profiles – and present some new! – as possible in a place so gorgeous...

Nov. 14 to 19, 2017 Puerto de Sóller, Mallorca

Submitted By: Re-Find Health

This year's conference topics include a focus on hormonal health such as thyroid and adrenal health, in addition to presentations on real food on trial, natural fertility, baby care, treating autism...

Nov. 10 to 13, 2017 Minneapolis, MN

Have you been told that your fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, bloating and brain fog are “all in your head”? False! Your adrenal glands may be in a state of dysfunction that needs to be addressed.

Nov. 06 to 12, 2017 Online

BANT South West Regional Branch presents a one-day event on Functional Sports Nutrition. Designed for practitioners who are interested in learning more about current research and functional testing to support highly active clients as well as athletes...

Nov. 11, 2017 Bristol, UK

Submitted By: Re-Find Health

Are you interested in learning how to cook paleo & primal meals? Join us in Sussex for a day of paleo cooking. We’ll teach you quick, easy & delicious paleo recipes to help you incorporate paleo eating into your lifestyle.

Nov. 11, 2017 Wych Cross, UK

Doesn’t it seem like everyone you know has a thyroid problem? With such a pandemic of dysfunction, is the problem actually in the thyroid or is there a larger...

Nov. 07, 2017 Colorado Springs, CO

The consequences of chronic disease are severe. It’s destroying our quality of life, shortening our lifespans, bankrupting our governments, and threatening the health of future generations.

Nov. 06, 2017 Berkeley, CA

Dr. Stickler & Dr. Hamilton co-founded the Apeiron Academy to introduce a new style of education and learning to the world of precision wellness. The Academy is a culmination of a long held vision that nothing can be fully known without first having been fully experienced.

Nov. 04 to 05, 2017 Asheville, NC

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