How to add exercise to your busy life.
Posted on Dec. 25, 2017
Human Biology + Modern Environment = Modern (SICK) Man
Posted on May 9, 2017
A Meal in Under 4 Minutes
Posted on April 26, 2017
Metabolic Flexibility: What it is and How it Affects Your Health, Energy and Weight
Posted on March 22, 2017
Why Read Food Labels?
Posted on Feb. 10, 2017
I'm Mihaela (pronounced Me-Ha-E-La), a veterinarian, turned registered dietitian, turned fitness instructor, turned diabetes educator, turned health coach, turned GAPS practitioner. I believe that everyone can achieve exceptional health; food is medicine, food is information, food is what you are now; your thoughts create your reality... However ultimately you're as healthy as your gut is. Let's start by healing the gut so we can heal the body.