Ivor Cummins
- Contributor
Dublin, IE
ZOE HARCOMBE addresses the UK Parliament - on the bad science behind the Food Guidelines
Posted on March 3, 2019
Tom Watson MP in UK Parliament - on the importance of #LCHF diet for health and reversing Diabetes!
Posted on March 2, 2019
Cardiologist Aseem Malhotra slams Government Dietary Advice in Parliamentary Speech
Posted on March 1, 2019
Fat Emperor Podcast - Dr. Scott Murray, Cardiologist - on Heart Attack Prevention
Posted on Feb. 15, 2019
The Fat Emperor Video/Audio Podcast - 3 Minute Teaser! Episodes release before end February
Posted on Feb. 15, 2019
I completed a Chemical Engineering degree originally and have subsequently spent 25 years primarily in Engineering Lead and Engineering Manager positions. I have worked in the Medical Device, Special Purpose Equipment and Electronic Component industries, always gravitating towards the most complex interactions where the Physics comes alive. My specialty throughout has been leadership in Complex Problem Solving Methodology (Comparative Analysis, Mechanistic Analysis and Experimental/Statistical Inference) - the ultimate destination was always Root Cause Resolution in the minimum timeframe.
Following less-than-ideal blood test results mid last year, I went back to my Biochemical Engineering roots and intensively studied the mechanistic physics and primary drivers of Dyslipidemia, elevated GGT and Serum Ferritin; as the journey became a fixation I also analysed several hundred related papers and studies carried out over the past 5 decades, and a few prior to this period. I found the value of the technical expertise gained during my career to be of paramount, indeed crucial importance in this odyssey. I thus realized that to be successful in determining root cause and solution in this complex arena, required far more than a general medical background.