Inflammation, Your Immune System, and Pathogens (Viral Infections)
Posted on April 21, 2020
A Brave New [Dysfunctional] World
Posted on Jan. 26, 2020
The Keto Diet
Posted on Aug. 31, 2019
The Dairy Dilemma
Posted on June 21, 2019
“Preventative Care” – Not So Much
Posted on Jan. 11, 2019
I am a Functional Medicine Practitioner as well as a board certified Emergency Medicine Specialist who lives and practices in Western North Carolina. My clinical area of interest is in a general approach to assisting individuals obtain optimal health and wellness through a lifestyle approach...
My practice in emergency medicine exposes me to countless patients with chronic illnesses that are recurrent and progressive. I encounter individuals returning for the same conditions over and over despite the “best” treatments that conventional medicine has to offer. It is from these experiences that I became determined to seek out an alternative way of treating individuals with these conditions. My ability to do this in the emergency department is limited by time and clinical restraints. I have discovered that there is a better way that is far less harmful than the countless medications with their associated side effects to address these illnesses, and that is through Functional Medicine. Our office opened in January 2014 to do just that.