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Healthy Reading: WellTH by Jason Wachob
Posted on Jan. 16, 2018
PMS: A Magnesium Deficiency?
Posted on Jan. 12, 2018
Magnesium and Pregnancy
Posted on Jan. 11, 2018
Adjust Your Circadian Rhythm to Sleep Better
Posted on Nov. 1, 2017
Benefits of Unprotected Sun Exposure
Posted on July 12, 2017
Founded in 2007, Enviromedica is dedicated to furthering the principles of evolutionary medicine, a new paradigm of healing that uses evolutionary theory to understand what drives the human body toward or away from health. Evolutionary medicine seeks to understand not how the body malfunctions, but why. To uncover the ways in which living in today’s modern environment is affecting our health.
Evolutionary theory tells us that, to truly understand how the body performs, we must understand the biology passed down to us from our ancestors. Our genetics are designed to be intimately connected with the Earth, its seasons, and its resources.
The company's primary belief is that in reconnecting with our natural environment, we thrive. In keeping with this mission, Enviromedica offers foundational support our bodies can easily recognize—the family of products reflect symbiotic combinations that occur in nature, utilizing only the purest ingredients that were once abundant in the ancestral environment, but are sorely lacking in the industrialized world.