Posted on Feb. 26, 2020
Will Plastic Raining from the Sky Initiate Change?
Posted on Aug. 18, 2019
Risk Elimination In Hunting And The Loss of Reward
Posted on Feb. 5, 2019
Lead Ammunition... Again
Posted on Dec. 7, 2018
Is the Acceptance of Physical Punishment a Symptom?
Posted on Sept. 18, 2018
Greetings! My name is Arthur Haines and I’ve been helping people explore human ecology for over 20 years. I’ve done this with the mission of developing deep awareness of and connection to nature, promoting individual health, and fostering self-reliance. Wild food is a passion of mine, and through this, I offer a glimpse of our past and a new picture of our future. Numerous independent studies attest to the health benefits of wild plants that were consumed by indigenous people around the world. These foods are documented as both the most nutrient-dense plants available and having the greatest concentrations of beneficial phytochemicals, which offer protection against premature aging and insults to health. Wild plants offer a magnificent gateway to real food and wild living. Through this knowledge, and many other facets of our shared ancestral lifeways, we can awaken a rewilding of our body, mind, and heart.