Andrew Scarborough
- Contributor
London, England, GB
Light and Shade, love and loss
Posted on May 8, 2019
Deuterium Depleted Water Experiment- Day 32
Posted on Sept. 6, 2018
6 months to a year to live without chemo?.... apparently. Deuterium depletion protocol for my Mother
Posted on Aug. 4, 2018
abcam Cancer and Metabolism Conference 2018- 1/3
Posted on July 23, 2018
Deuterium Experiment Part 1- Preparation
Posted on June 23, 2018
My name is Andrew Scarborough. I am a proactive cancer patient and public health advocate, scrutinising the latest research in order to devise my own optimal metabolic approach in an attempt to manage my disease. I am also an inquisitive researcher, using critical analysis and independent thought to support my university studies.
Prior to my diagnosis of a highly vascular Anapalastic Astrocytoma brain tumour, I studied for a masters in Nutritional Therapy and worked as a personal trainer. I am currently studying Human Biology and Medical Science at the University of Westminster, where I am heavily involved with brain tumour research. I mix practical experience of metabolic therapies with a detailed understanding of its potential for cancer management and seizure control at the cellular level.