For the first time, ever, Media Mahima brings together Physicians/ Doctors/ Nutritionists/ Spiritual Leaders/ Mental Health experts on one platform - "HEALTH 360"...

May 20, 2017 San Jose, CA

The IHCAN Conferences are held at the Cavendish Conference Centre, London. Located just minutes from Oxford Circus and Great Portland Street tube stations, it’s in the heart of the West End. The Cavendish is easily reached from the mainline stations in London.

May 20, 2017 London, UK

Submitted By: Re-Find Health

Audio Video Recording: Delivered by Robyn Puglia and Ben Brown

May 20, 2017 Online

In this informative dinner talk we will delve into aspects of Ketogenic diets, Intermittent Fasting, Zero Carb and Very Low Carb diets.

May 17, 2017 Brisbane, QLD, Australia

The Microbiome Medicine Summit 2 will explore how the microbiome orchestrates, regulates and can heal your body. It reveal the latest discoveries about a wide variety of health problems, and how the microbiome can help you heal at a deep level.

May 08 to 15, 2017 Online

Nutri Advanced are delighted to bring you a day of case based training and patient centred functional medicine as presented by the UK IFM Certified Practitioners Group. This exclusive group of 13 UK based practitioners have completed and passed the rigorous examinations set by th

May 13, 2017 London, UK

The body has significant powers of self healing and regeneration. However inflammation and poor nutritional status can contribute to the rate of breakdown exceeding the rate...

May 13, 2017 London, UK

The complimentary VAE Education event will last four (4) hours with a focus on safe and consistent education...

May 13, 2017 San Francisco, CA

FODMAPs is an acronym that refers to various small chain sugars and fibres*. Some people find these hard to digest, subsequently causing a range of digestive symptoms.

May 10, 2017 Richmond, UK

MLX is a principle-driven chiropractic seminar that's open to all chiropractors and students. With world-class speakers from across the profession and industry-leaders hosting specialized training sessions - there's so much to learn and only 3 days to take it all in.

May 04 to 06, 2017 Orlando, FL

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