Inspirational Entrepreneur: Kim Jordan

Kim Jordan decided to pursue a career in functional, bio-individual nutrition after witnessing the powerful effects that nutrition had in resolving her own digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, and anxiety. As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Kim now helps others take control over their health, learn about their bodies’ needs, and find a way of eating that works for their goals and lifestyle. Her candid interview inspires us to shed our own versions of self-comparison in this field, and to avoid the all-too-common pitfall of not taking action due to fear. 

What inspired you to become a holistic entrepreneur?

My path to becoming a holistic entrepreneur is long and winding- a combination of personal and professional experiences have brought me to where I am now. I was an overweight, unhealthy child who lost weight as a teen, but always struggled to keep it off. I struggled with digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, and anxiety & panic through my teens and early twenties. It wasn’t until I learned about nutrition and how it affects the mind and body that I was able to start my journey of self-healing, which spiraled into my journey of helping others. I realized I wanted to pursue a career in this field, but the medical field and traditional mainstream health education was disheartening to me. I realized in order to truly impact the health and lives of others, I needed to work holistically, which meant abandoning mainstream nutrition and health and pursuing a career in functional, bio-individual nutrition.


Tell us about your business.

As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I help others take control over their health, learn about their bodies’ needs, and find a way of eating that works for their goals and lifestyle. I don’t diagnose or treat conditions, but instead work to uncover the root causes of health concerns and detect imbalances and weaknesses in the body. I build from the roots in order to help my clients reach their goals and achieve vibrant health. I am a detective, educator, listener, motivator, guide, and support system all in one. My aim is helping others to harness the power of food to feel, look, and be their best selves. My business is multi-faceted in terms of clients I see and conditions I work with, but the best part about nutritional therapy is that there are no boundaries. By working with foundations of health, I truly can help anyone improve their health and wellbeing.


How would you describe your current business model? 

My current business model is multifaceted and ever-changing. I got started teaching group nutrition classes, and then transitioned into adding 1:1 services. The bulk of my business now is focused on working 1:1 with clients, both in person and virtually. I now am transitioning to offering more online courses and membership programs to be able to broaden my reach and help more people.


Is there a certain strategy youve found to be the most effective for growing your audience?

I cannot say there’s really a particular strategy, other than just sheer exposure. Getting myself out there and talking about my business and my work is the most natural form of growth I have experienced. My goals for the New Year have been to blog more and teach more in-person courses, but until then, I find just posting on social media and sharing knowledge both online and in-person has helped me grow my audience. Being a resource for friends and family as well as being available to answer questions from acquaintances has helped to prove my credibility and my passion for what I do, which I feel is the most organic form of growth – doing what I love and helping where I can!


What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced in running your business?

Running my own business has definitely been a challenge—there’s always something new to learn and it’s often a struggle to prioritize tasks and projects. Amongst the biggest challenges I’ve faced are time-management, automation of manual processes, and use of technology to improve my website, my offerings, and the experience I provide my clients. Mental and emotional challenges have also been hurdles for me. I often ask myself if I’m doing “enough” or compare myself to what others in my field are doing, which I know is not serving me!


How have you overcome those challenges?

Learn, try, and grow! I am ever evolving, and always learning. Any article or book I can find that applies to my business, I read. I attend online webinars and even have taken courses on subjects related to the challenges I face as a business owner. And when all else fails, trial and error! I’ve learned from my successes and from my mistakes! And I am sure I will continue to do so! Also- asking for help and networking with other like-minded professionals. I’m not afraid to ask friends and colleagues for their opinions on a project I am working on, or a new change to my website. Feedback is always helpful and there’s always someone who has been in my position who can offer some insight!


How do you find new clients?

My clients come to me mostly through word-of-mouth and client referrals, but I also get clients from my nutrition class, Eating to Thrive, as well as my gym, CrossFit Rockland where I partner to offer nutrition consulting to members.


What have you found to be most effective in securing new clients to sign up for your services?

I always offer a free “discovery call” for new clients, where I explain what I do as a NTP and we discuss their concerns and goals and how I can help. I also have plenty of information available on my website as well as social media accounts so that people can get to know who I am and what my philosophy and approach is. I pride myself in being compassionate and a good listener and motivator because often times, foods is not the only issue people are struggling with! It often goes much deeper than that.


What were some of the first mistakes you made that you would tell a new holistic entrepreneur to avoid?

First and foremost, avoid a failure to act due to fear. No one is perfect and it is silly to even try. People appreciate vulnerability and honesty. There never will be a perfect time- now is the best time! Don’t get caught up in wondering if what you’re delivering is good enough, because you’ll get stuck there and time will continue to pass. I’ve been guilty of this and although I am working on it, I still get caught up in “analysis paralysis.” Being a perfectionist is common among holistic entrepreneurs, but it doesn’t serve us sometimes!


What has been the best piece of advice youve received as an entrepreneur?

Trust in yourself. When I opened my practice, a mentor of mine gave me a plaque for my office with a quote that read, “I am not afraid. I was born to do this.” It was eye-opening that others had such faith in me, when at the time, I had little in myself.

I know it sounds cliché, but as time goes on, it becomes more and more clear to me that I need to trust myself and what I know. I have always second-guessed myself, wondering if I’m doing things “right” or if I could be doing more, or doing something better. But I’ve realized there really is no right or wrong way. My knowledge, experience, and drive are more than enough to help people, and I need to learn to trust those better.


What is your morning routine?

First thing is always brush my teeth and drink water (hydrate first!), then I brew my coffee and blend it up with coconut milk, grass-fed collagen, and sometimes raw honey and/or maca powder. I try to have quiet time enjoying my coffee either out on my porch (when weather allows) or my couch with a book or a few times a week, I catch up on the latest episodes of a show I’m into. At some point in the morning I’ll review my day’s to-do list (which I make the night before), and maybe add a few things if needed. Then it’s time for breakfast, answer some work e-mails, then off to the gym! If I have clients, I’ll get dressed, have breakfast, and then leave for my office. I try not to work for at least an hour after I wake up. I work from home most days, so sometimes there isn’t a clear boundary between being “on” and “off” the clock. But it’s so important for me to start my day the right way- if I wake up and check e-mails first thing, I feel rushed and scattered all day!


What is your favorite indulgence?

I love some good dark chocolate, especially salty. My favorite is Alter Eco’s Salted Brown Butter bar. I’m also a big fan of farm-to-table food and craft cider and whiskey. Any time I travel to a new town, I try to scope out the restaurants with the most real, local food and a good drink menu! Good food with good company is the ultimate indulgence.


Most exotic thing youve ever eaten?

Is beef heart considered “exotic”? I never was much of an adventurous eater until lately, but now I’m a big fan of foods that most people wouldn’t consider trying!


Most memorable place youve ever visited?

My favorite place is Charleston, South Carolina. The way of life down there is such a different pace than the hustle of New York. It’s more slow and relaxed, more kind. And it’s just a beautiful city with so much history!


Last book you read?

Tim Ferriss’s “Tools of Titans”


If you could only have one kind of food for the rest of your life, it would be

I truly love salads- and not boring lettuce with dressing but extravagant, colorful salads. The possibilities are endless, and I truly could never get bored of them!


What is your go-to breakfast?

Chicken sausage with kale/broccoli/cabbage slaw cooked in coconut oil or ghee, topped with avocado and goat cheese. If I’m on the go or off to the gym in the morning, overnight oats made with almond milk are my go-to.


What do you love most about being an entrepreneur?

I love knowing that I’m creating something that’s larger than me. A dream I’ve had for a long time is actually true and it’s amazing to see my hard work and efforts manifesting right before my eyes. Setting my own schedule and having flexibility and control over my days is also a huge plus for me!


Kimberly Jordan is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner based out of Nyack, NY. You can find out more about Kimberly and her business, Root and Branch Nutrition, by visiting

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