Does LESS Exercise Make You MORE Fit?

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By Dr. Justin Marchegiani

High intensity interval training, called HIIT for short, has taken the health and fitness world by storm. The concept is simple: by working out harder, less often and for shorter lengths, you can actually maximize your fitness returns. Research shows HIIT can burn fat quicker and substantially increase performance. The best part? The time commitment is minimal. Say goodbye to your daily hour at the gym, and hello to HIIT!

How to Do High Intensity Interval Training

High-intensity interval training is a way of exercising through a repetition of short bursts of high-intensity exercises followed by a brief period of recovery. The HIIT sequence of “burst and recover” is generally repeated for a duration of 20-30 minutes.

HIIT can be applied to both cardio and weight training. In a treadmill setting, a HIIT session would involve alternating between high intensity sprints and a slower jog, or even a brisk walk, during the recovery period.

High-intensity interval training differs from traditional consistent state exercise in which you’d keep a similar pace, exerting constant energy for the duration of your session.

If you’re looking to burn fat, increase endurance, or otherwise boost your health and fitness with but less of a time commitment, HIIT is for you!

Is HIIT right for you? Click here to ask a functional medicine doctor!

Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training Over Traditional Methods

Choosing the Best High Intensity Interval Training Workout For You

Here are a few HIIT workouts to choose from. Have a look and see which one matches your skill level and interests! As your skill grows, you can modify these plans to include more high intensity bursts.

IF YOU: are very fit, have little time, like to run

Tabata Running: Tabata training is a very popular form of HIIT consisting of 8 rounds of high intensity exercises. Intervals are 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Including a warm up, this HIIT session is done in under 10 minutes! For an experienced runner, it would look like this:

IF YOU: are moderately fit, flexible timing, like to cycle

If you have 30 minutes to spare and like to cycle, this method is for you! The intensity can be adjusted to match your skill level. The basics of this cycling HIIT workout for someone of a moderate fitness level:

IF YOU: are new to fitness, have moderate time, want to incorporate strength training

For someone new to fitness and interested in the benefits of HIIT, a 45-minute beginner’s workout would look something like this:

Ready to take your health to the next level? Click here to work with a functional medicine doctor!


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