Candida Maybe Causing Your Mood Issues | Podcast #270

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Welcome to Beyond Wellness Podcast! For today’s episode, we have Evan Brand and we are going to go through Candida issues, how these affect our mood, different approaches on treatment, and a lot more. Go through this informative podcast below.


Dr. Justin Marchegiani


In this episode, we cover:

1:27 Addressing Candida Issue

9:23 Drug Medications

16:31 Spiraling Issues

30:33 Dietary or Stressor Issues

34:46 Chronic Candida Issues

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Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And we are live. It's Dr. J here in the house with Evan brand. We were talking in the pre show we are going to be chatting all about Candida and mood issues. today's gonna be a phenomenal chat, Evan, how are you doing today, man? 

Evan Brand: I'm doing really well. We were having some fun here looking through some studies like we always do. And we found some interesting things which will challenge the conventional treatment options for Candida. Why don't we start right out of the gate here. We're going to get into the whole background of like, what is Candida? What kind of mood issues what contributes to Candida, we'll get into that, but let's just go straight to this. This because this kind of blew my mind, which is that fluconazole which is a antifungal medication commonly prescribed to treat Candida. It was found in a study here that when you use this fluconazole that it actually causes the Candida to basically go into it's an a sexual critter basically and it produces reproduces by cell division. And when you get exposed to that fluconazole the Candida goes Holy smokes, and then boom, it switches to sexual reproduction mode, therefore making your problem worse, which is why what would you say thousand plus people have come to you and I between us plus more than that, that have already done fluconazole needs still had candida overgrowth? Well, there's your reason why.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100% I think number one is you need like a really good working kind of model and how you address Candida or any infection and it's not just we throw some herbs at it. It's number one, we started out with the right dietary changes, but we also have to make sure the foods not creating a stress because healthy foods not digested appropriately, are going to be hard on the body, even if they're really good paleo template kind of foods. Number two, we kill it. We wipe it out. We have to get the body and the stress handling system and the immune system ready for that because it can be stressful on the body. And then number three, we crowded out. Renaculate repopulated out. And as you go through that kind of three step approach to killing various infections or Candida one it reduces inflammation to it supports the immune system in three, it helps barrier gut barrier integrity. So we're not just kind of coming in there trying to target and you know, Search and Destroy, so to speak. There's a whole multi faceted approach with supporting the hormonal system, supporting digestion, addressing food allergens, improving immune barrier integrity, and then going after a lot of the critters on the backside. So it's really a multifactorial approach. Now, you highlighted one thing with the fluconazole and how it stimulates reproduction. Now so someone say about herbs. Well, what happens with herbs now herbs are a little bit different than medications. Here's why. Medications no kill various microbes, right fluconazole will target more fungus. The difference is when you have like, let's say oil of oregano, there's multiple active compounds in there. So it will regen now you have karmakar, which is like the x active compound in there, you also have five all right fireball is going to also help kill microbes. Now, the thymus also has a compound to it that helps support the immune system and it protects against toxins. And there's also Rose meramec acid, which is a derivative of vitamin E, which is also going to protect against oxidative damage and the free radical stress of the microbes dying. So you have oxidative support, you have immune support. So there's a lot of other compounds that are thrown into the mix that are modulating and supporting the body in a different way than an anti fun will may not by itself.

Evan Brand: Very cool, well, I just want to point out what you just said, which is that there's an antioxidant potential for this meaning when you go through a protocol, you don't have to feel worse many people think and their practitioner has incorrectly educated them that they must feel bad and you're going to have all this die off and that's the bugs and you just got to push through Be tough and pain is weakness leaving the body You know, there's all these like memes about pain and die off and things. But that's actually something that can be totally prevented. And oftentimes our protocols are designed to be so smooth that people don't even know they're on a protocol, meaning they're only getting symptom improvement. They're not having a worsening downhill slide before they even come back up. Generally speaking, we try to meet people where they are and just elevate, elevate, elevate. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 110% So first off, let's kind of just back up a little bit. So Candide is a type of fungus right type of yeast. So like fungus is like the big umbrella and kind of various molds from water damage kind of fits in the fungus kind of mold umbrella can get as a type of yeast and there's Candida is the main kind of yeast that you see in the body. I mean, you could see the microsporidhia, rhodotorola right the the Candida krusei, but all the cans Candida albicans is the major one we see now. How do we test that we're going to test that in a stool test, like the GI are for one a stool test. Now even the more genetic sensitive stool test, they're going to miss Candida sometimes. So we're going to look at clinical symptoms, some horrific dermatitis, that kind of crusty thing on the scalp, we're going to look for tinea versicolor, kind of a blotchy skin kind of rash. We're going to look at, you know, jock itch, we're going to look at toenail fungus, we're going to look at thrush, that white coating in the mouth so any of these clinical indications that there's more than likely going to be a systemic fungal issue. Again, once you get the fungus in the nails, that's kind of a localized infection and you really need to hit that topically so a lot of times you can hit that internally but it may not be enough you got to get there topically. So that's kind of how we're looking now. We may be doing the inorganic acid to look at [INAUDIBLE] to assess it because the stool test may not be enough. And we look at the clinical indicators will look at [INAUDIBLE] on organic acid Marco we may look at Candida antibodies IGG IGA IGF one a blood test if there's systemic Candida issues. Those are kind of a couple of ways of how I'll look at it and assess it. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, you've got some other markers there, too. You've got like carboxy citric acid, you've got tartaric acid, there's a bunch that are that are really similar to colonization and fundraising. oxalates, too. Yes, that's very true. Yes. You know, a lot of people, when they hear about oxalates, they think, Oh, my God, I just need to stop eating vegetables. No, you may just actually need to treat your can do growth and go. We've seen that a lot. I mean, I'm talking, you know, we'll see oxalates it like a level of 400 on the Oh, which is really, really high. And then the person is freaking out. And I'll say just hang tight. Let's work on the Candida and guess what, on the retest, oxalates always go back to normal. So that's a really, really cool thing that the Justin I've seen clinically that your average person or your average person talking about nutrition, they don't have a clue about the connection there.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 110% Evan, now a couple things I want to highlight. How do we end up with a Candida infection? So we kind of talked about the testing and assessing. And I'll just tell you straight up most conventional medical people, they're not going to really acknowledge Candida as as being a big deal. I mean, oh, the other issue would be like a yeast infection like a vaginal yeast infection kind of thing. They'll be dealt the other one. That's going to be typically it right. A vaginal yeast infections typically acknowledged maybe an oral thrush issue, maybe a toenail issue, but for the most part, Candida as being a major problem in your health is very rarely going to be acknowledged by your mainstream medical practitioner Most definitely. Go ahead. 

Evan Brand: And let me ask you what you mean by that. So So you're saying if you go to the the conventional Doc, and you're like, Hey, I'm anxious, I'm depressed. I've got joint pain. I've got bad breath. I'm craving sweets all the time. I think it's Candida. They're probably going to blow you off. So what you're saying?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, unless you have like an isolated specific infection, or Candida tends to be a major major issue in immunosuppressed people. So someone that has like HIV or AIDS or someone who's cancer patient who's battling on chemotherapy and things that have kind of wreak havoc on their immune system. That's where you see Candida, you know, actually being lethal work and kill you, right? But those are specific isolated situations. So I think most medical doctors are kind of like it's beaten in their brain. As you know, these Candida issues and fungal issues are only a problem and these kind of people, but it may be kind of a more subclinical stressor in someone who's not HIV positive or dealing with cancer, it could be you kind of be in a subclinical place, and then Not to mention, birds of a feather flock together. So you have a Candida infection, you may have an H. pylori infection or another H. pylori, or a bacterial infection or parasite infection along with it, so it could be multiple things at the same time. For sake of simplicity, we're going to just focus on the Candida piece in this podcast though.

Evan Brand: Yeah, let's just talk about a number though. Real quick. Just just for the curious mind listening to the podcast. I want to get your number I'll tell you my number which is I would say 90 to 95% of people with Candida. Have some Another infection at the same time.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. I agree. Yep. It's very rarely just Candida. I see a lot of people to think it's just Candida. But like you said, I think that's in the minority. You know, I like the credo principle. So at 20, maybe 20% for me, is just Candida, but right in that area, I think it's pretty reasonable.

Evan Brand: Yeah. Alright, so let's get back to cause this year. So drugs are like the biggest umbrella but let's break some of those down.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So number one, medication is going to be antibiotics, right? antibiotics are going to knock down bacteria to us to a very, you know, miniscule degree, but then you have what's called the rebound fungal overgrowth. And a lot more of the doctors are actually starting to get in tune with this will they'll actually use specific probiotics and even Saccharomyces boulardii which is a beneficial yeast that prevents Candida from over growing so a lot more of the cutting edge. medical doctors who understand the side effects of these drugs are recommending probiotics and Anna probiotics and specific beneficial yeast preventatively. That's number one. So it's going to have that rebound overgrowth. Ideally number two is make sure you really actually need the antibiotics a lot of times is a natural alternative that you can go to that will be just effective and more safe. So there's that. And I'd say the next thing after that I see it very frequently with women on birth control. birth control pills tend to more have an alkalizing effect on the urinary tract and the vaginal canal. People think, oh, alkalinity is good. Well, not really because probiotics like the major probiotic that we know of is lactobacillus acidophilus. What does that mean? acidophilus literally means acid loving. So there's various acids that are produced by beneficial bacteria. And those acids make it harder for yeast to grow. So when you start to alkalize, that urinary tract and vaginal canal, it actually makes it easier for yeast to grow because the acids are assets have natural anti microbial effects. So when you decrease the natural anti microbial environment, it's easier for critters and yeast to grow.

Evan Brand: Well, it sounds like what you're saying is In that case then proton pump inhibitors, acid blocking medications would also further increase Candida because now you're dropping down stomach acid.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yes. And that here's kind of like another component, right? So we know birth control pills are going to typically drive up estrogen they definitely going to promote estrogen dominance. We know estrogen dominance is also going to do what to our gallbladder, it's gonna make our bio more sludgy, and not flow as well. And what is bile have a bet bile has a natural antimicrobial effect as well, right? Various bile acids, right? So if we don't have enough bile, now, we don't break down fat and then the bile acids aren't in our digestive system to help provide an antimicrobial environment. So now it starts to allow SIBO to grow as well. So now, bacteria starts to overgrow. So you can see how these things can really spiral out of control.

Evan Brand: Yeah, we got a few more drugs to talk about. But then also I want to try to circle back to the gallbladder even just someone who doesn't I guess I'll say it now just to get drove with someone who does Have a gallbladder. We've done many podcast on bile and increasing digestion and improving digestion. But it sounds like along the same vein here, someone without a gallbladder, they're going to be at a much higher risk of a Candida overgrowth.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yep. And then if you're a female and you have estrogen dominance, right, and you know this because you start to have maybe excessive bleeding or a lot of symptoms, leading up to your period, breast tenderness, mood issues, back pain, cramping, the whole nine yards, that's a sign that you're moving in the direction of estrogen dominance. And then there's going to be potentially sludgy gallbladder bile flow, which then opens you up to more Candida issues on the backside. So it's like everything's kind of connected. So when you're people are listening is if you're working with a good functional medicine doctor, you want to make sure that they're going upstream and trying to connect all the different dots because if you're just seeing someone that's, oh, I'm just putting Candida on my cross here and all I'm focused on Candida, and I'm not looking at the upstream effects, bile flow, HCl foods, medications, other infections. You could really miss them it really important barriers that would help with healing.

Evan Brand: Yeah. So the goal is not run out to Whole Foods or wherever your doctor's office and grab your oregano oil and start popping it. That's not going to be the strategy here.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Exactly. So obviously next thing we could talk about, we mentioned the medications. We mentioned birth control pills. I would just say refined sugar. refined carbohydrates are going to be a big one. I mean, some people are getting really nuanced. And talking about ketones being a driving factor of Canada. I typically am not seeing that as being a driving factor. I can see that a cellular carbohydrates are much easier to process and much easier to fuel, Candida and yeast, is it possible ketones could generally speaking 99% of patients I see with Candida or yeast overgrowth, there's a history of a lot of refined processed carbohydrates leading up to it.

Evan Brand: Yeah, there was several other drugs. I mean, we could go on and on about drugs. I'm sure we don't have any papers on it. But like the fluconazole we talked about how that made Candida problems potentially worse. The funny thing is that's exactly what people are getting treated with. And so it's almost like the drug is making this problem worse. And now you have this phenomenon of the anti fungal resistance that the Center for Disease control's warning people about, which is the same thing we've seen with bacteria. So now you've got all these anti fungal resistant strains running around. So I just want to hit on the drug piece, just one more time and then and then and then stop talking about it, which is the fact that the very treatment you're getting is potentially making this worse. So if you keep going back on die flew, can I Staten fluconazole, that could be part of the reason you're not getting better. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100% and then also, we live in an environment where people are just more inflamed, right? So if you go to your conventional medical doctor with symptoms of inflammation, what are they going to typically prescribe, they're going to prescribe corticosteroid medications. Well, those corticosteroids one they're catabolic. breakdown tissues, so they'll probably make your problem worse if you use chronically acutely and maybe okay, but what do corticosteroids do to your blood sugar? They increase it. And then when your blood sugar, your blood glucose goes higher, what does that fuel more of? It fuels more Candida. So being on corticosteroids chronically will actually increase your chance of more youth issues as well.

Evan Brand: Did you know The Center for Disease Control, they actually made what they call emerging infections program, and candy does in that emerging infections program because they're saying that the Candida is becoming more virulent, it's creating more problems, they're seeing more resistance. So Candida, like you kind of mentioned that it's really kind of ignored, and maybe you'd get blown off if you brought that up. It's becoming more and more mainstream now because we're seeing the rise of it and we're seeing so many more people in hospital settings, like for example here and talking about that. Each case of a Candida infection in a hospital setting- it It's estimated to result in an additional three to 13 days of hospitalization and an extra 6 to $29,000 in healthcare cost.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Makes sense. And then you throw c diff on top of that, right? Because the longer you're in the hospital, your potential increase the first C. diff goes up to mm hmm. So it's like, yeah, there's a lot of potential vectors that can they can happen.

Evan Brand: Not a good place to be a hospital, some place you might come in and never come out. So Candida could be one thing part of that it's just not a not my favorite place.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100%. Now, there's a couple of issues that now spiral, okay, these are called the spiraling issues. So as soon as you start having Candida issues, you may start having poor digestion, so you may start seeing more intestinal distress. And the infection now starts to create more stress, which is going to lower stomach acid and lower enzyme levels. Now that's going to make it way harder for you to extract nutrients from your B vitamins or minerals, which are really important for mood and energy, right. So it's possible that also a lot of Candida and yeast may be eating up some of those nutrients, they may be consuming some of those nutrients. So you can see now you're starting to have a tug of war fight with the microbes in your body, and then the healthy digestion and the healthy absorption of nutrients as well.

Evan Brand: Well, this is titled something about Candida and mood issue connection. So let's get into that. Now, you mentioned this robbing i think is the perfect time to transition and talk about that. So you mentioned that you're getting your nutrients stolen basically by these microbes and fungi. So the mechanism there at least the mechanism that comes to mind for me is this that you don't have the amino acids to manufacture neurotransmitters, but what else is going on? What Why else? Do you think the Candida issues are contributing to mood issues?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, so you're going to have the, the competing of nutrients and amino acids and some of your minerals that are really important. Number two is you're going to have mycotoxins produced by the Candida, just like you have mold produce various mycotoxins okra toxin and such, you're going to have mycotoxins produced produced by the Candida in your gut and those mycotoxins can increase gut permeability. And the more gut permeability there is, the more that can stress out your immune system and it can also allow undigested compounds and mycotoxins to cross the blood brain barrier and hit the brain. And then as soon as things start crossing the blood brain barrier, you're going to see an activation of your micro glial cells, right, your astrocytes are what make up the blood brain barrier. Once these things go past the astrocytes, you're going to see an increase in the microglial activation. And that's going to now cause more cognitive issues, because your immune system is now trying to fight a war against invaders entering the brain.

Evan Brand: The problem is the immune system is suppressed because a specific mycotoxin that there's different species of fungi like Aspergillus can create glio toxin but Candida has been found it was kind of this. It was like a it was a debate basically in the medical medical community does candy that actually make glio toxin and it turns out it does. And glio toxin is an immunosuppressive toxin. So you're talking about how you're trying to gain the upper hand. But you literally can, that's how smart these things are, is that Candida is suppressing your ability to overcome it by producing a toxin that damages the immune system. I mean, it's just a, it's a very, very smart thing. Like if you're a fungus, the best thing you can do kill somebody's immune system, so they can't get rid of you. I mean, it's it's very, very smart.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100% now, I have one study here, one article here that's really interesting on silence daily, where they're seeing a correlation or connection between Candida and people with schizophrenia. And obviously, it's schizophrenia is going to be like the ultimate mood disorder where there's hallucinations and various you know, bipolar where you're manic and then depressive, you're on a high you're on a low, but the fact that Candida is associated with these kind of severe mental health mood issues, is isn't really important. So let me just kind of go through it. So when this study at the … Health System. They had 277 controls, and they took blood samples from a group of 808 people between 18 and 65. And I think 261 individuals with schizophrenia and 270 with bipolar disorder, and the researchers use blood samples of itG Candida antibodies, which indicated a past infection. After counting for factors like age, race medication, they looked for patterns that suggested a link between the infection and mental illness. And it found no connection between the presence of Candida mental illness overall. But when the investigators looked only at men, they found that 26% of those with schizophrenia head can dieta compared to the 14% in the control group. So in men, it seemed to be a much higher, a higher link with women, it was about the same, so not as much with women, but very interesting and also men with bipolar disorder had a clear increase in Candide as well. 26% Verses 14 and the control. So that's really, really interesting.

Evan Brand: Yeah, that's crazy. I've noticed a huge link where Miss just clinically, right I mean, the papers could say what they say. But what we've seen is a lot of people that have short fuses, they're irritable with their husband, they're snapping at their kids. They're saying, Oh, I yelled at my kids I shouldn't have it wasn't that big of a deal? Time and time again, we notice when we address these type of issues, especially Candida, people will report Hey, I'm much more calmer. My husband likes me better. He says I'm more pleasant to be around. The kids are hanging out with me more. So this is huge. And let's mention one other talks to we talked about glio toxin, but also with Candida you've got acetal aldehyde, which is very similar to an ounce of [inaudible]. So you've got these people that are report that they feel kind of drunk or they may slur their words or they may have issue with talking like their tongue. That doesn't work. It's like they can't get the words out of their mouth. Sometimes that just low blood sugar, right if your blood sugar's real low You start to sweat a little bit, but if you have a Candida problem that could also make you sick.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, and also, this is really important. So if you look at acid aldehyde, and then you look at cell sahlan, also sonars really interesting. So this is a compound that's made from acid aldehyde. Remember acid aldehydes made from or Candida and yeast can make that and they found that cell sahlan all has a negative impact on the substantial niagra which is the part of the midbrain that produces dopamine. This is important why is dope means important for focus, it's part of the reward neurotransmitter it helps you feel good when you make good decisions, right? You check your your social media, you get a little like on Facebook or Instagram, little drip of dopamine, right? So it's part of that reward center, and acid aldehyde and cell sahlan all have a negative impact on that compound, that neurotransmitter being produced.

Evan Brand: Wow, that is mind blowing. Okay, so now you got all these people just going on Instagram. Then they go to Twitter, and then they go to Facebook that all this dopamine seeking behavior, they may just have some candida overgrowth. Maybe they've got other issues too. I mean, those apps are designed to be addicting, right? They've got like, you know, brain scientists working at these companies to make these things addicting to pull you in. But you think of all the people like if you go out to a restaurant, no, you see the same thing. But, and everybody listening sees the same thing. You go to a restaurant, everybody's on their phones, it used to not be like that, or you think about like a concert. You know, like, if you see an old concert video on YouTube, nobody's on their phones are just paying attention to the musicians. Now it's everybody's on their phone, that it's like they just can't get enough. They can't get enough dopamine. So it's interesting to think that one of those underlying reasons would be Candida who would have thunk?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, I mean, there's one interesting study talking about, you know, chronic candidiasis and a possible contributing factor to idiopathic Parkinson's. Now, the mechanism that I mentioned is the one through Candida then Producing acid aldehyde and then producing cell saw it all. And then cell phone I'll having that negative impact on the midbrain that produces dope mean. So it's important. I mean, are these things cut and dry and are guaranteed if you have Candida, you're going to have Parkinson's or have these type of neurological or mood issues? No, no, it's definitely not that way. But there could be a connection. And in functional medicine, it's very rare that this is causing 100% of your issues. It's normally there's a couple of maybe four or five or six things happening, maybe 15%, contributed by this, maybe 20% over here, maybe 5% here, and then we just kind of do our best to do a really good audit and be able to figure out what the levers we need to move are and in what combination and what timing, those should be moved. Does that make sense?

Evan Brand: Yeah, it does. Here's the thing I always kind of debate about in my head, it's like, Are we just getting better at recognizing these type of health issues with people or is it that these type of health issues didn't exist? So for example, Parkinson's, I mean, I don't know if we have any evidence on this. But before we were using before we created antibiotics before we created glyphosate, which is killing the good bacteria and allowing Candida to thrive, you know, before we had processed sugars, you know, if you look at 100,000 year old specimen, a human specimen, where they having candida overgrowth, are they having Parkinson's were they having issues with dopamine? I mean, it seems like we've introduced so many new variables which have contributed to all these things. It's like we've done it to ourselves

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100% Yeah, and there's a lot of different things like for it's on this little abstract I have here they talk about like Parkinson's being an enigma, they talk about oxidative stress being a factor environmental toxins being a factor, genetic predisposition, obviously with autoimmune stuff, you know, gut permeability is a big one. We know food, you know, infections, there's a lot of different variables. So when someone comes from like the conventional medical world and the functional medicine, they're used to like, Hey, I have a sore throat. Oh, I did a culture it strap antibiotic gone like it's like a Hundred percent the cause 100% the effect gone variables isolated, right. And in functional medicine world with chronic health issues, there's a lot of different factors. And it's really hard to go from this isolated, you know, cause and effect model where results are instantaneous, to a model where there's a lot of different inputs affecting the output.

Evan Brand: Yep, it's just, it's gotten a lot more complex, we wouldn't have had to have these conversations maybe 1000 years ago. But now we've got a lot of new things that are damaging it. You've got the whole brain connection to with like, if you look up Candida and autism, for example, you'll find some papers on developmental and behavioral issues probably just due to the same mechanisms right these toxins damaging the gut barrier, that intestinal permeability, allowing more toxins in blood brain barrier getting affected. So it all it all makes sense.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, I mean, I consider like conventional medicine for chronic health challenges is like checkers and then functional medicines like 3HS, because there's lots of Different things that are happening. It's never just one, you know? Yeah, conventional medicine is the easiest when there's an acute issue because the cause is isolated. You don't you don't need to know the cause when there's a car accident cuz the car accidents done, it's not happening every day, you know, and it comes to these chronic health issues. They are happening every day, and they're happening at a subclinical microscopic level where you can't even see it.

Evan Brand: Right. You know what we didn't mention? I mean, it's so so low hanging fruit, that's probably why we forgot to mention it is alcohol, and how alcohol would be contributing to these issues in the gut. And not only damaging the gut barrier, making leaky gut worse, but also feeding and making Candida worse, like we'll have people that clearly you're going to feel bad and dizzy and drunk if you're drunk, but you could have a small amount of alcohol like a sip of a cider or a sip of a beer and get symptoms from it. And that's likely because you've just added that on to the fire and possibly that Candida is just flaring. I don't know if it's creating more toxin. I mean, what would you think when you have somebody that says, hey, I can drink a tiny bit of alcohol and I get very, very sick or drunk or symptomatic.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yes, so the kind of alcohol is gonna be important because some alcohol is very, very low, low sugar to almost none. And some is much, much higher, right, especially if you do one of these mixed drinks. So it really just depends. There's always going to be Candida present in your gut. So the idea that we're going to have candy, the hundred percent gone is kind of a misnomer. But we're going to have it knocked down significantly where it's not a problem, right? And if you don't have all the other things lined up that we already mentioned, with food and your immune and other infections under control and gut permeability and good bacteria, yeah, you may be more prone for a flare for something simple like alcohol. I mean, the goal should be we get you healthy enough for in the future. Yeah, if you choose healthier sources, hopefully there won't be a problem. Right, that that's our big goal. But just to kind of piggyback on top of what other mechanisms of why you may have mood issues is the acid aldehyde from that alcohol or from the Candida is actually going to impair oxygen carrying capacity from your red blood cells. So you have less oxygen to your brain. What does that do? Less ability to regulate inflammation in the brain. And also alcohol or acid aldehyde, which is produced by the Candida inherently causes a b1 deficiency. And you chronically see low levels of b1 and alcoholics, but you'll also see it with chronic Candida issues as well be one's really important for brain and neurological health. And then if you have b1 issues is also a chance you can be six and be six is really important for synthesizing your neurotransmitters, serotonin, dopamine, etc. So you can see how these things can spiral out of control pretty fast.

Evan Brand: Well, you know, there's a condition of the elevated crypto pyrole, this issue of pi leiria that many people talk about, you've got walls and some of these other guys talking about these major mood issues. Like you mentioned, schizophrenia, bipolar, you've got anxiety problems, OCD problems, a lot of those are linked to issues with low B six, low magnesium, low zinc. So if you're getting robbed your guts messed up, you know, you may go after, like a lot of people will go and just treat pilots I've had practitioners, I won't mention the names but people who go to these practitioners who specialize in like the walshy and Peiffer protocols where you're working on copper and zinc ratios and you're doing this B vitamin and that B vitamin, but they've never worked backwards. It's just Hey, take this basics, take the zinc, but they don't ask the question why? Why did this issue happen in the first place? So here they are stuck on this long term protocol, and they have no clear next step. I always ask the question, well, what did they tell you? What was the next step with x protocol? And they said there was none. It's just take the zinc, take the basics and just enjoy your life.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, I mean, it's kind of going all in on one thing. And even though that one thing is there, other issues have to be present the fact that that one thing is the driving factor and that there aren't other dietary or stressor issues. is you really going all in you know, I consider it to be like rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking ship. It's just okay, like, I guess you're doing something but it's not really fixing the underlying issue. So if we ever see hey, Potential mood issue. Do we see markers on the organic acid test that show issues with B vitamins especially be six, like, well look at [INAUDIBLE], we're going to automatically supplement a foundational baseline of those nutrients just with general multi support. And if we see other markers, we could always just say, hey, let's try giving a little bit more zinc. Let's try giving a little bit more of these B vitamins and see what kind of effects we have. That's the easiest way to do it without having to go down kind of a rabbit hole, so to speak. And then also just in general, fixing the digestion fixing the gut, you're going to be absorbing more of this stuff from your food anyway.

Evan Brand: Well said, coconut oil is pretty awesome. We found one paper here that was about using coconut oil to control overgrowth of fungal pathogens, aka Candida albicans. And this was just talking about you know, in comparison to the antifungal medications that coconut oil reduced it wasn't just the it wasn't just the the Candido itself. It's not that just the the coconut kills the Candida No, it's actually reducing the colonies of it. So you can have this phenomenon that will see on the test where you've got colonization, meaning you may have yeast and and mold hiding in a biofilm. And now you've got to address that you can't just get the toxins out of this bucket, you've got a whole nother bucket of biofilm where this stuff's living in coconut oil was shown to reduce that colony. So very, very cool. I think using coconut oil as a supplement to help this but also just in your, your daily life is wonderful. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, and you can even use some of it. Obviously just cooking your foods and such and and the main lauric acid that you get in coconut oil, it's anti microbial, guess what? It's in breast milk. So you know, you have moms that have kids with fungal or yeast issues, right? The breast milk is a really great natural solution as well as you know, some good Saccharomyces boulardii as well.

Evan Brand: Yeah, I'm sure there's a huge link. I don't have any papers pull up right now, but I'm sure there's a huge link where you see infants or young children breastfed versus non breastfed and candida overgrowth. I would say the kids that are breastfed probably have less risk of Candida overgrowth just based on that.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. And also with the mom has to have the mom has too much goes too heavy on the carbohydrates and refined sugars. You know, she could potentially you know, be passing that down as well. Yep, yep, absolutely. Well anything else Evan you want to highlight today that we did a good job I mean, I just I think if people are listening in they're trying to wrap their heads around it in number one kind of make the foundational diet and digestive changes you know, follow my six R's remove the bad food replace the enzymes acids repair of the hormones and the gut and if you're having a hard time doing testing and assessing what's going on under the hood feel free to reach out to Evan Evan brand calm or myself Justin health calm his book now button for you can schedule with us and we see patients all over the world. But start with some of the foundational things so much that moves the needle. If you have chronic health challenges, I recommend you not just kind of throwing in some of the herbs because sometimes you can feel worse, especially if you don't set the foundation. And if you don't get a good window into what other microbes or infections could be present alongside.

Evan Brand: Yep, Well said, No, I don't really have any other messages. Besides, you can fix this. You can reverse this, you can get this thing under control you already made. The great point about the goal is not eliminate Candida we kind of point you know, painted it as somewhat of an assassin here creating so many problems. It can be, but we're just trying to restore balance. It's all about balance. It's not the ocean. It is the balance. And that's, that's the goal. And it is possible. So we love working on this issue. This is something that could change your life. If you have this out of control. Here's the free test everyone can do right now. If you're in your car listening, make sure you're at a red light first, don't wreck pull down your little mirror and stick your tongue out. Do you have white coating on your tongue? Do you see more white than pink? If the answer is yes, you may be on to something so you may need to look deeper.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And then also one last thing is if you having chronic Candida issues and you're not able to knock it down, one, make sure you take a look at mycotoxins and mold in your environment because it's possible that you're just going to expose a lot of mold toxins. That could be really setting up Candida growing in your body from just the excess amount of mold and that kind of depleting your immune response too. So make sure you get your house at least tested. We'll put some links below where you can get access to some of the mold testing kits. That's probably a good next step. And then you want to say what that Evan,

Evan Brand: I know that Yeah, you're opening the can of worms on me here. So now I'm going to start part two, we're going into another hour here. I would just say, pets are also a really common source of Candida as well. Meaning you let the dog out into the backyard the dog picks up candy to spores brings it into the bed, you let little Fido lay in your bed. We've seen countless people do the plate testing well, they'll do what they call a tap test, where they'll go tap tap tap onto the, onto their bed or onto their carpet. And guess what? Tons of candy that comes up. So the the source of the Candida may be actually from your house, from your pets, from your blankets from your couches, from your cushions from your carpets, and we'll actually see Candy to show up on these plates, meaning that you could literally have your diet dialed in, you're on all the good supplements and all that. But your we'll call it the microbiome, the microbiome of your environment, you're breathing this stuff back in, its then colonizing sinuses, colonizing the gut, and then boom, you've got Candida overgrowth. So this is why you really want somebody to help you because you could go and think about yourself as just as little robot and you've got this, you turn this knob and turn that knob and throw that supplement, but you forgot about the you're part of a big ecosystem. So this is, you know, maybe part two, but that's that's the sparknotes.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yep, I think that's a good part two. All right. But yeah, if you have chronic health issues or chronic home issues with water leaks and mold and damage like that, definitely make sure you have that wrapped around. Take a look at my two podcast where I interview Jeff Bookout and JW on this topic, that's going to be a great starting Compendium for you all. And if you guys are enjoying this content, thumbs up, give us a share. Let us know your experience with Candida in the notes below. And also, we appreciate a review on iTunes,, we appreciate the review and getting the word out. You guys are helping people take control of their health by spreading the good word. Anything else? 

Evan Brand: No, that's it. You all take good care of yourself. We'll be in touch soon. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Have a good one. Bye.


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