
3 Simple Ways to Celebrate Earth Day!

3 simple ways to celebrate Earth Day.

This year Earth Day is Friday April 22. This day we celebrate our shared home “The Earth”. I’m going to share with you 3 simple ways in which you (and I) can make the Earth a better place.

  1. Say no to GM (genetically modified) foods. If you and I the customers will say no to the “GM Franken Foods”, and would demand organically grown foods, that’s what will eventually get. Click here to see how our “European friends” are choosing their food. Look for apps that will help you select non GMO foods. These are my two FREE favorite ones:  Non-GMO Project Shopping Guide and Buycott.
  2. Support the local farmers. Make a point to visit a farmer’s market once a week and buy your food locally, it not only benefits the Earth, but also you and the farmer. I’ve included 2 sites to help you find “local real food” around you, and while traveling. Local Harvest & Eat Well Guide.
  3. Stop using plastic bottled water. Invest in a good water filtration system or find a spring near you. Then get a stainless or glass water bottle and just fill and refill it with water. Star taking spring or filtered water with you in your new “Eco Bottle”, and you’ll not only reduce “plastic pollution” of the Earth but yours too (plastic bottles are leaching estrogen like compounds and affect your hormonal balance). Not sure about plastic you and the environment? Click here to watch the documentary “Addicted to Plastic”.  My favorite stainless steel water bottle is Klean Kanteen. (not an affiliate, just happen to like it).

This is a video I’ve done live on my Business Facebook Page about 3 (4 with the bonus one) ways to celebrate Earth Day and boost your health at the same time.

Have a Ah-Me-Zing Day, today and every day,


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We all know that diets don't work; deprivation and denial are both unnecessary and counterproductive. When it comes to food and your health ignorance is not bliss. I'm Mihaela and I will help you find what is holding you back from living your best health and life, simplify your eating and fitness routine to fit your busy schedule, learn to listen to your body, deconstruct cravings so you can make food choices that truly nourish you. I will help you break complex information into bite size pieces, easy to implement so you can take action now. Take charge of your health and live your best life ever.